Jumat, 29 Juli 2016

Javanese Culture

Javanese culture

The Yogyakarta sultanate palace's main pavilion.
Front view.
Rear view.
The Javanese traditional attire for men worn with a Blangkon and accompanied with a Keris is one of the main customs of Javanese culture especially during wedding ceremonies usually worn by the family of the bride and the bridegroom itself
Javanese culture is the culture of the Javanese ethnic group in Indonesia, part of the Indonesian culture. Javanese culture is centered in the Central Java, Yogyakarta and East Java provinces of Indonesia. Due to various migrations, it can also be found in other parts of the world, such as Suriname (where 15% of the population are of Javanese descent), the broader Indonesian archipelago region,Cape Malay, Malaysia, Singapore, Netherlands and other countries. The migrants bring with them various aspect of Javanese cultures such as Gamelan music, traditional dances and art of Wayang kulit shadow play.
The migration of Javanese people westward has created the coastal Javanese culture that distinct to inland Sundanese culture in West Java. Being the largest ethnic group, the Javanese culture and people influence Indonesian politics and culture, a process sometimes described as Javanization.


The five Pandawa brothers from the Hindu epic Mahabharata, narrated in the Javanese Wayang kulit.
Javanese literature tradition is among the earliest and the oldest surviving literature tradition in Indonesia. The translations of Hindu epic Ramayana and Mahabharata into old Javanese language took place during the era of Medang Kingdom and Kediri kingdom around 9th to 11th century. The Smaradhana is also composed during Kediri kingdom, and it became the prelude of later Panji cycles that spread as far as Siam and Cambodia. Other literary works include, Ken Arok and Ken Dedes, based upon Pararaton, the story of the orphan who usurped his king, and married the queen of the ancient Javanese kingdom.
During the reign of Majapahit several notable works was produced. Nagarakretagama describes Majapahit during its height. Tantu Pagelaran dated from Majapahit period explained the mythical origin of the island and its volcanic nature. Kakawin Sutasoma, written by Mpu Tantular during the reign of the Majapahit. It is the source of the motto of Indonesia, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which is usually translated as Unity in Diversity, although literally it means '(Although) in pieces, yet One'. The kakawin teaches religious tolerance, specifically between the Hindu and Buddhist religions.
Other works includes Babad Tanah Jawi is a literature which relates to the spread of Islam in Java and Babad Dipanagara which tells the story of Prince Diponegoro.



Majapahit empire

Historically, Javanese follow a syncretic form of Hinduism, Buddhism and Kebatinan. The Majapahit empire religious tolerance in their society can be summed as BhinnĂªka tunggal ika tan hana dharma mangrwa or They are indeed different, but they are of the same kind, as there is no duality in Truth.
Starting from the 15th century, Islam and Christianity came to Java and slowly spread. Due to internal and external conflicts, Majapahit collapsed in the 16th century. Islam spread quickly under the new Islamic monarchs. While the spread of Christianity was supervised by colonial powers.
All the new religions were not taken literally but instead interpreted by the Javanese according to the Javanese traditional values, creating a new set of religious beliefs unique to local culture.


The introduction of orthodox Islam to the island by the new Muslim monarchs was not always peaceful however, Javanese, nobles and peasants who rejected the new rulers were either conquered or fled to neighboring Bali where they contributed heavily to the Balinese Hindu religion and culture. Some Hindus who remained in Java retreated themself to more remote area such as Tenger near the Mount Bromo to avoid proselytizion. During the islamization of Java, Sunan Kalijaga was one of the Walisanga which was active in promoting a more moderate form of Islam in Java, he was later appointed as advisor in the new Mataram Sultanate.
Today, most Javanese follow a moderate form of Islam as their religion, while only 5-10 percent of Javanese follow orthodox Islamic traditions. Orthodox Muslims are the strongest in northern coast bordering the Java Sea, where Islam was first brought to the island. Islam first came in contact with Java during Majapahit periods, when they traded or made tributary relations with various states like Perlak and Samudra Pasai in modern-day Aceh.


A minority of Javanese also follow Christianity (Protestantism and Catholicism), which are rather concentrated in Central Java (particularly Surakarta, Magelang and Yogyakarta for Catholicism).


Another minority are Buddhists and Hindus, they are mostly found in East Java, The Javanese Tengger tribe is still practicing Javanese-Hindu till today.


Main article: Kebatinan
Kebatinan are principles embodying a search for the inner self but at the core is the concept of the peace of mind, connection with the universe, and with an Almighty God. Although Kebatinan is not strictly a religious affiliation, it addresses ethical and spiritual values as inspired by Javanese tradition. It is not a religion in usual sense of the word, like Islam, Judaism, or Christianity. There are no scriptures such as the Bible or the Qur'an, nor are there prophets. During the Soeharto era, this minority is acknowledged and protected as "penganut kepercayaan".


Many traditional Javanese customs or festivals such as meditation, slametan, naloni mitoni, patangpuluhdinanan, nyatus, nyewu have their roots in the kebatinan belief. Javanese of other beliefs modify them accordingly, incorporating Muslims, Christian or Hindu prayers instead. Details of the ceremonies differ from one community to the other.

Grebeg Maulud

Grebeg Maulud at Surakarta
Grebeg Maulud is a traditional ceremony held by the royal court of Keraton Surakarta and Jogjakarta, to commemorate the birth of Islam's holy messenger, Muhammad. This ceremony was first held during the reign of the Demak Dynasty dating back to the 15th century. The ceremony starts with prayers in the grand mosques, a parade and a carnival of the people.

Javanese wedding

There are several variations of Javanese wedding, depending on the custom and social standing of the couple. Popular variation includes Surakartan, Jogjakarta, Paes Kesatrian, and Paes Ageng. The wedding rituals will include Siraman, Midodareni, Peningsetan, Ijab (for Muslims) or wedding sacrament (for Christians).


The bride and groom to be are showered at their respective homes, by families and close friends. Prayers are also given hoping for a good tide.


A night before a Javanese wedding, the bride-to-be has her last dinner with her family, female friends are also invited. Traditional cuisine and prayers are given. Later, the groom's family will also come, bringing Peningsets (offerings to the bride family to seal the tomorrows wedding) in which the bride-to-be is hidden in her room. Only the female relatives of the groom can visit the bride-to-be.

Naloni Mitoni

Held for the first pregnancy of a woman, when the pregnancy is in its seventh month. Family and close friends are invited. The mother-to-be are shrouded with seven layers of batik, symbolising hope for a good child and delivery. Prayers and traditional food are also served.


Held when a child is 35 days, a ritual celebrating the new life. Family members and close friends will come to the event. The child's hair and nails are shaved. prayers, religious readings and a slametan is a common part of the event. After the event, cakes, sweets and eggs (symbolising the new life) will be shared.

Tedhak Sithen

Held when a child is around eight months old. Family members are invited, to celebrate a child starts walking.


For a boy, khitan, or circumcision, is an important transition toward adulthood. The ritual usually held when the boy is 6 to 12 years old. Following the circumcision it is customary to sacrifice a goat, hold a slametan and wayang kulit (shadow puppet) performance. Circumcision is one factor that differentiate the Javanese with related Balinese and Tenggerese, which still predominantly Hindu.

Ruwatan Gembel

The day Hindu children of the Dieng community shave their hair. A large offering ceremony to the Gods at the temples are given. Afterwards the community arranges a festival. Tourists normally flock to see the event.


Prayers to hope for good tidings. Normally tumpeng is served.

Patangpuluhdinanan, Nyatus, Nyewu

Prayers given on the 40th, 100th, and 1000th days since a person deceased.


Before the month of Ramadhan, family members visit the graves of their loved ones, praying for their well being.


A kejawen ceremony, where kebatinan believers throws a shroud to the sea or mountain, to throw away bad luck.

Social Structure

Javanese priyayi and servants, c. 1865.
The American anthropologist Clifford Geertz in the 1960s divided the Javanese community into three aliran or "streams": santri, abangan and priyayi. According to him, the Santri followed an orthodox interpretation Islam, the abangan was the followed a syncretic form of Islam that mixed Hindu and animist elements (often termed Kejawen), and the priyayi was the nobility.
But today the Geertz opinion is often opposed because he mixed the social groups with belief groups. It was also difficult to apply this social categorisation in classing outsiders, for example other non-indigenous Indonesians such as persons of Arab, Chinese and Indian descent.
Social stratification is much less rigid in northern coast area, which is much more egalitarian.


The Keratons, the royal palaces of the Yogyakarta Sultanate and the Surakarta Sunanate, are the central of the Javanese culture and social events. Although they are not ruling monarchs, they are still highly revered and look upon in the society. When addressing to the Sultan, a person is expected to speak in the refined "kromo inggil", but today formal bahasa Indonesia is also accepted.
Not all Javanese were once subject of the Yogyakarta Sultanate and the Surakarta Sunanate.


The Priyayis were once part of the ruling aristocrats, they have little function today. Some of Indonesia's ruling political figures are descendants of the priyayis. They are now part of the general society and work in numerous fields.


Villages are an important administrative unit in Java. It is divided into two types: Desa with elective leadership, usually in rural areas, and Kelurahan, where the leadership is appointed by Indonesian government, usually in urban areas. Village administration is managed by officers, still called with their traditional Javanese names. These are lurah (village chief), assisted by offices of carik (village secretary), kamituwa (officer for social affairs), jagabaya (officer for security), and modin (office for Islamic affairs and rituals, derived from Arabic Imam ad-Din, or leader of the faith).
These officers traditionally didn't get paid in cash, but allotted a portion in the village's public land to be farmed, called tanah bengkok. In modern-day Indonesia, Village chief is elected directly by universal suffrage of the villagers, who are 17 years old and above, or already married.As literacy rate was low before independence, it is customary for the rival candidates to use common items as their campaign symbol, such as fruits, vegetables or traditional foods. The village chief election is usually non-partisan.


Culturally, Javanese people adopt a bilateral kinship system, with male and female descendants having equal importance. As such there is no preference on having a male heir like paternalistic cultures in India or China. It is not customary for Javanese to have a surname. Women have a high degree of autonomy and are respected in Javanese culture.
In a traditional marriage, it is the groom's family who chooses the bride from a selection of prospects. Prior to the wedding, the groom's family will give the bride's family a dowry. Afterwards, the bride's family is responsible for paying for the wedding. The groom's family can help financially, but they are not obliged to do so. Traditionally, divorce is not acceptable, but it was acceptable for the husband to take a second wife or a mistress. Young Javanese normally do not follow these customs, and today most Javanese women will resist infidelity and opt for a divorce. Divorce is becoming acceptable in Java.


Main article: Javanese language
Javanese is a member of the Austronesian family of languages and is closely related to, but distinct from, other languages of Indonesia. It is notable for its great number of nearly ubiquitous Sanskrit loans, found especially in literary Javanese. This is due to the long history of Hindu and Buddhist influences in Java.
Most Javanese in Indonesia are bilingual fluent in Indonesian and Javanese. In a public poll held circa-1990, approximately 12% of Javanese used Indonesian, around 18% used both Javanese and Indonesian, and the rest used Javanese exclusively.
The Javanese language was commonly written with a script descended from the Brahmi script, natively known as Hanacaraka or Carakan. Upon Indonesian independence it was replaced with a form of the Latin alphabet.
While Javanese was not made an official language of Indonesia, it has the status of 'regional language' for communication in the Javanese-majority regions. The language also can be viewed as an 'ethnic language' because it is one of the defining characteristics of the Javanese ethnic identity.


Village in the slope of Mount Semeru, East Java. Colonial period painting.
In Indonesia, Javanese can be found in all occupations, especially in the government and the military.


Traditionally, most Javanese are farmers. This was especially common because of the fertile volcanic soil in Java. The most important agricultural commodity is rice. In 1997, it was estimated that Java produced 55% of Indonesian output of the crop. Most farmers work small-scale rice field, with around 42% of farmers cultivate less than 0.5 hectare of rice field. In region where soil is less fertile of where rainy season is short, other staple crops is cultivated, such as cassava.


A decorative kris with a figure of Semar as the handle. The bilah has thirteen luk.
For the Javanese, blacksmiths are traditionally valued. Some blacksmiths fast, and meditate to reach perfection. Javanese blacksmiths provide a range of tools such as farming equipment and to cultural items such as gamelan instruments and kris. Majapahit rigidly use fire-arms and cannonade as a feature of warfare. The Javanese bronze breech-loaded swivel-gun, more correctly known as a meriam was used ubiquitously by the Majapahit navy and unfortunately pirates and rival lords. The demise of the Majapahit empire also cause the flight of disaffected skilled bronze cannon-smiths to Brunei, modern Sumatra and Malaysia, and the Philippines lead to near universal use of the swivel-gun, especially on trade vessels to protect against prevalent marauding pirates, in the Makassar Strait.
Keris is an important item, with many heirloom kris made by master blacksmiths holding significant historical value. The design of the keris, with its snake like blade, is to torn apart an opponents abdomen, making the injury more severe. While the Javanese canting, enables them to make intricate Batik.
Kota Gede is famous for its silverworks and silver handicrafts.

Batik Making

Batik is traditionally done as a past time activity for women. But some town and villages have specialized in making Batik, such as Pekalongan, Kauman, Kampung Taman and Laweyan.

Wood carving

Javanese woodworkers making traditional masks during the Dutch East Indies era.
The Javanese art of wood carving is traditionally applied to various cultural attributes such as statues, (wayang-)dolls, and masks.


See Javanese calendar
The Javanese calendar is used by Javanese people concurrently with two other calendars, the Gregorian calendar and the Islamic calendar. Gregorian calendar is the official calendar of Indonesia while the Islamic calendar is used by Muslims and Indonesian government for religious worship and deciding relevant Islamic holidays. Javanese calendar presently used mostly for cultural events (such as Satu Sura). The present Javanese calendar system is a lunar calendar adopted by Sultan Agung in 1633, based on the Islamic calendar. Previously, Javanese people used a solar system based on the Hindu calendar.
Unlike many other calendars, the Javanese calendar uses a 5-day week known as the Pasaran cycle. This is still in use today and superimposed with 7-day week of the Gregorian calendar and Islamic calendar to become what is known as the 35-day Wetonan cycle.


Javanese origin artforms are among the best known in Indonesia and the whole archipelago. The famous Javanese wayang puppetry culture was influenced by Hindu and Buddhist traditions. The Wayang repertoire stories, lakon, are mostly based on epics from India; Ramayana and Mahabharata. These epics and stories influenced wayang puppetry as well as Javanese classical dances. The influences from Islam and the Western world also can be found. The art of batik, and kris dagger are of Javanese origin.


Main article: Music of Java
Gamelan musical ensembles are found in both Java and Bali. All of these artforms holds important position, and function within Javanese culture and tradition.


Traditional Javanese house.
Candi Plaosan in Prambanan (9th century).
Throughout their long history, the Javanese have produced many important buildings, ranging from Hindu monuments, Buddhist stupa, mortuary temples, palace complexes, and mosques.
The paragon of religious monuments are Hindu temple of Prambanan and Buddhist temple of Borobudur. Both of them 9th centuries temples which are UNESCO World Heritage Site. Both are located near city of Yogyakarta in the slope of Mount Merapi.
Meanwhile, example of secular building can be seen in ruins of former capital city of Majapahit Kingdom (14th to 16th century AD) in Trowulan, East Java. The complex covers an area of 11 km x 9 km. It consists of various brick building, ranging from 20 to 40 meter-wide canal, purification pools, temples and iconic split gates. The capital complex is currently being considered as a candidate for becoming a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Traditional Javanese building can be identified by its trapezoid shaped roof supported by wooden pillars. Another common feature in Javanese building is pendopo, a pavilion with open-side and four large pillars. The pillars and other part of the buildings can be richly carved. This architecture style can be found at kraton or palace of the Sultanates of Yogyakarta (palaces of Hamengkubuwono and Pakualaman) and Surakarta (palaces of Pakubuwono and Mangkunegaran).
Traditional mosques in Java maintain a distinctive Javanese style. The pendopo model is used as main feature of the mosque as its prayer hall. A trapezoidal roof is used instead of the more typically Muslim dome. These roofs are often multi-tiered and tiled.In addition to not using domes, traditional Javanese mosques also often lack minarets. The split gate from earlier Hindu-Buddhist period is still used in many mosques and public buildings in Java.
Some notable examples of mosques using traditional Javanese architecture include Agung Demak Mosque, Menara Kudus Mosque and the Grand Mosque of Banten. The Kudus Mosque is also of note because it incorporates Hindu-style stone architecture.


Main article: Javanese names
Javanese do not usually have family names or surnames. Many have just a single name. For example, Sukarno or Suharto. Javanese names may come from traditional Javanese languages, many of which are derived from Sanskrit. Names with the prefix Su-,which means good, are very popular. After the advent of Islam, many Javanese began to use Arabic names, especially coast populations, where Islamic influences are stronger. Commoners usually only have one-word names, while nobilities use two-or-more-word names, but rarely a surname. Due to the influence of other cultures, many people started using names from other languages, mainly European languages. Christian Javanese usually use Latin baptism names followed by a traditional Javanese name.
Some people use a patronymic. For example, Abdurrahman Wahid's name is derived from his father's name (Wahid Hasyim) who was an independence fighter and minister. In turn, Wahid Hasyim's name was derived from that of his father: Hasyim Asyari, a famous cleric and founder of the Nahdlatul Ulama organisation.


Main article: Javanese cuisine
Example of Javanese cuisine. Clockwise: fried tempeh, mlinjo crackers, gudeg with rice wrapped in teak leaf, green chili sambal and sliced lime.
Nasi tumpeng, the quintessentially Javanese rice dish, symbolises the volcano.
Javanese cuisine and culture place an important role in rice, the staple food of the island. Among Javanese it is considered not to have a meal if a person hasn't eaten rice yet. It is also important part of identity that differentiate Javanese with foreigners that eat bread (the Europeans) and resident of other island who eat sago (for example Moluccans). Rice is also symbol of development and prosperity, while cassava and tuber is associated with poverty.
Javanese cuisine is varied by regions. Eastern Javanese cuisine has preference for more salty and hot foods, while the Central Javanese prefer sweeter foods.
Famous food in Javanese cuisine is for example Rujak Cingur,a marinated cow lips and noses, served with vegetable, shrimp prawn and peanut sauce with chili. Rojak Cingur is considered traditional food of Surabaya in East Java.
Gudeg is a traditional food from Yogyakarta and Central Java which is made from young Nangka (jack fruit) boiled for several hours with palm sugar, and coconut milk.
Pecel, a type of peanut sauce with chili is a common ingredient in Javanese cuisine. It is used in various type of Rujak and Gado-gado. It can also be used as stand alone sauce with rice and prawn, egg and vegetables as Nasi Pecel (Pecel rice).
Tumpeng, is a rice served in the shape of a conical volcano, usually with rice colored yellow using turmeric. It is an important part of ceremony in Java. Tumpeng served in landmark events such as birthday, moving house, or other ceremonies.Traditionally, Tumpeng is served alongside fried chicken, boiled egg, vegetables, goat meat on a round plate made from bamboo called besek.
A notable food in Java is tempe, a meat substitute made from soy bean fermented with mold. It is a staple source of protein in Java and popular in the world as an excellent meat substitute for vegetarians.
By : Bambang Djokdja

Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

9 Tempat Yang Wajib Di Kunjungi Di Sleman.

9 Tempat Yang Wajib Dikunjungi di Sleman .
Sleman merupakan sebuah kabupaten yang ada di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Ibukota dari kabupaten ini adalah Sleman. Sleman juga dikenal sebagai asal buah salak pondoh yang terkenal. Sebenarnya, berbagai perguruan tinggi yang ada di daerah Yogyakarta secara administratif terletak di wilayah kabupaten ini, di antaranya adalah Universitas Gadjah Mada dan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
Di sebelah utara kabupaten ini, Anda akan melihat puncak Gunung Merapi di perbatasan provinsi Jawa Tengah yaitu salah satu gunung berapi aktif yang paling berbahaya di Pulau Jawa. Sementara di bagian selatan merupakan dataran rendah yang subur. Aapun diantaranya sungai-sungai besar yang melintasi kabupaten Sleman ini adalah Kali Progo yang membatasi kabupaten Sleman dengan Kabupaten Kulon Progo, kali Code, kali Kuning, kali Opak dan Kali Tapus. Nah, apa saja tempat wisata menarik yang patut untuk Anda kunjungi. Berikut beberapa pilihan tempat wisata di Sleman.

1. SMA Negeri 2 Sleman

 Sekolah favorit di kalangan anak muda .Lokasi di jantung kota Sleman,dan telah mencetak Alumni-Alumni terbaik Dari tahun 1991 sampai dengan saat ini ...

2. Candi Prambanan

Candi Prambanan
Candi Prambanan
Candi Prambanan atau juga dikenal dengan Candi Loro Jonggrang dibangun pada sekitar abad ke-9 masehi dan merupakan kompleks candi Hindu terbesar di Indonesia. Lokasi Kompleks candi ini berada di kecamatan Prambanan, Sleman dan kecamatan Prambanan, Klaten, jaraknya sekitar 17 KM timur laut Yogyakarta, 50 KM arah barat daya Surakarta dan 120 KM selatan Semarang, tepat di perbatasan antara provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.

Selain merupakan candi Hindu terbesar di indonesia, candi ini juga termasuk Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO dan salah satu candi paling indah di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Tentunya sebagai salah satu candi termegah di Asia Tenggara membuat Candi Prambanan banyak dikunjungi wisatawan dari seluruh dunia.

Baca juga: 10 Daftar Tempat Wisata di Jawa Tengah dan Sekitarnya

3. Candi Ratu Boko
Candi Ratu Boko
Pintu Masuk Candi Ratu Boko
Situs Ratu Baka atau Candi Boko merupakan situs purbakala yang di dalamnya terdapat sejumlah sisa bangunan yang berada sekitar 3 kilometer di sebelah selatan dari kompleks Candi Prambanan. Candi Ratu Bako terletak di perbukitan dengan ketinggian 196 mdpl. Kompleks candi ini memiliki luas sekitar 25 hektar.

Secara administratif, situs ini terletak di wilayah 2 Dukuh yaitu Dukuh Dawung, Desa Bokoharjo dan Dukuh Sumberwatu, Desa Sambireja, Kec. Prambanan, Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta.

Kaliurang yang memiliki arti "Sungai Udang" adalah sebuah tempat wisata yang ada di Yogyakarta, tepatnya di Kabupaten Sleman dan di perbatasan dengan Jawa Tengah.

Kaliurang berada di daerah dataran tinggi yang memiliki banyak resor atau tempat peristirahatan karena udaranya yang sejuk. Disini juga terdapat banyak vila-vila penginapan. Tlaga putri adalah salah satu tempat wisata di sleman yang sering dikunjungi oleh wisatawan baik wisatawan lokal maupun luar negeri.

Baca juga: 7 Tempat Wisata di Jogja yang Terkenal dan Populer

5.Monumen Yogya Kembali
Monumen Yogya Kembali
Monumen Yogya Kembali
Museum sejarah perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia yang terdapat di kota Yogyakarta ini dikelola baik oleh Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata. Museum ini seringkali dikunjungi oleh para pelajar dalam acara darmawisata.

Museum Monumen dibangun dengan berbentuk kerucut yang terdiri dari tiga lantai dan dilengkapi pula dengan ruang perpustakaan serta ruang serbaguna.

Baca juga: 5 Tempat Wisata di Klaten yang Paling Menarik

6.Museum Dapur Tradisional
Museum Dapur Tradisional Sleman ini adalah sebuah museum yang memamerkan semua jenis peralatan memasak tradisional tempo dulu. Museum ini berada di desa wisata Kembangarum, Turi, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Peralatan dapur yang dipamerkan seperti parut, irik, tambir dan alat dapur tradisional lainnya yang berbahan bambu.

7. Museum Gunung Merapi
Museum Gunung Merapi adalah museum bersejarah yang terletak di Yogyakarta tepatnya di Jl. Boyong, Dsn Banteng, Desa Harjobinangun, Kec. Pakem, Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta sekitar 5 KM dari kawasan objek wisata Kaliurang.

Museum Gunung api ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang aspek ilmiah, ataupun sosial-budaya dan lain-lain yang ada kaitannya dengan gunung api dan sumber geologi lainnya.

Baca juga: 10 Tempat Wisata di Semarang yang Paling Terkenal

8. Candi Gebang
Candi Gebang
Candi Gebang
Candi Gebang adalah candi Hindu yang letaknya berada di dusun Gebang, Kelurahan Wedomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman, DIY. Diperkirakan, candi ini sudah dibangun sekitar abad ke-8 Masehi yakni pada saat wangsa Sanjaya berkuasa pada jaman Kerajaan Mataram Kuno.

Candi ini berukuran kurang lebih 5,25 × 5,25 meter dengan memiliki tinggi 8 meter. Candi Gebang menghadap ke timur dan puncaknya berbentuk lingga.

Baca juga: 10 Tempat Wisata di Kulon Progo Paling Menarik

9. Candi Ijo
Candi Ijo
Candi Ijo
Candi Ijo adalah sebuah kompleks percandian yang memiliki corak Hindu, jaraknya sekitar 4 KM arah tenggara dari Candi Ratu Boko atau sekitar 18 KM di sebelah timur kota Yogyakarta. Candi ini juga diperkirakan dibangun antara abad ke-10 hingga dengan abad ke-11 Masehi pada saat jaman Kerajaan Medang periode Mataram.

Candi Ijo berlokasi di Dukuh Groyokan, Desa Sambirejo, Kec. Prambanan, Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta. Candi ini berada di lereng barat perbukitan Batur Agung yakni sekitar 4 KM arah tenggara Candi Ratu Boko. Candi ini dinamakan "Ijo" karena letaknya yang berada di atas bukit yang disebut dengan Gumuk Ijo.

Rekomendasi Wisata Di Pontianak


Rekomendasi 16 Tempat Wisata di Pontianak dan Sekitarnya

Melancong ke Kota Pontianak? Rasanya Belum Lengkap tanpa mengunjungi Tempat-tempat wisata menarik ini

Tempat Wisata di Pontianak | Featured: Tugu Khatulistiwa - by bambang_djokdja
Siapa yang tak mengenal Kota yang berada tepat di tengah planet Bumi ini. Kota Pontianak bukan hanya melulu tentang khatulistiwa. Tak sedikit tempat wisata di Pontianak yang mampu menjadi daya pikat tersediri bagi penikmatnya.
Pontianak merupakan Kota yang terletak di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat ini memang memiliki objek wisata yang keren. Bukan hanya itu, kota yang satu ini juga dilintasi oleh garis imajener yang membelah bumi menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu bagian utara dan selatan. Dan oleh sebab itu pemerintah pun membangun tugu katulistiwa di Pontianak.
Kota Pontianak juga dikenal dengan Kapuasnya. Salah satu sungai terpanjang di Indonesia ini memang menjadi ikon kota yang satu ini. Tapi diluar itu semua, Pontianak sendiri memiliki objek wisata yang keren dan pantang kamu coret dari buku liburanmu, seperti:

 1. Sinka Island Park
Sinka Island Park
Tempat wisata disekitar Pontianak ini memiliki beragam tempat asyik dan keren, seperti kebun binatang, pantai, dan pulau yang indah. Untuk kebun binatang sendiri, Sinka Island Park memiliki sedikitnya 62 spesies binatang, dengan biaya masuk ke kebun binatang sekitar Rp 10.000,- per orang. Objek wisata yang satu ini terletak di Kab. Singkawang Kalimantan Barat.
2. Taman Bukit Bougenville
Taman Bukit Bougenville
Taman yang satu ini terletak di Desa Sijangkung, Singkawang. Disini kamu bisa menikmati suasan taman yang sejuk, hijau, dan indah. Ditambah perpaduan bunga Bougenville yang keren, liburan kamu disini pun akan sangat menyenangkan. Taman Bukit Bougenville sendiri memiliki sekitar 46 jenis bunga Bougenville, baik itu dari dalam maupun luar negeri.
3. Pantai Pasir Panjang
Pantai Pasir Panjang
Tempat Wisata keren di dekat Pontianak ini memiliki daya tarik yang cukup tinggi. Pasalnya, jika dibandingkan dengan pantai di Kalimantan lainnya, pantai yang satu ini cenderung lebih terawat dan bersih. Disamping itu, pemandangan di pantai ini pun sangatlah bagus.
Dengan pasir yang putih, air yang cukup bersih, dan udara yang segar, pantai ini bisa kamu jadikan sebagai destinasi alternatif bersama keluarga. Karena selain keren, biaya masuk pantai yang hanya Rp 10.000,- per orang pun menjadi daya tarik tersendirii karena murah.
4. Air Terjun Tikalong
Air Terjun Tikalong
Letaknya di Kec. Karangan – kabupaten Landak. Jika dari Pontianak, kamu hanya membutuhkan sedikitnya 3.5 jam perjalanan untuk sampai ke objek wisata yang satu ini. Akses menuju air terjun cantik ini terkesan mudah dan gampang, karena kamu hanya perlu melalui jalan yang menuju Sui dan Mandor. Setelah sampai di daerah Mandor, kamu bisa melanjutkan perjalanan sekitar 2 jam, setelah itu barulah sampai di air terjun ini.
5. Aloe Vera Centre
Aloe Vera Centre
Tempat wisata di dekat Pontianak ini memiliki beragam jenis aloe vera atau yang biasa disebut lidah buaya. Disini, kamu bisa menyaksikan budidaya dan pengolahan lidah buaya menjadi beberapa produk, baik itu produk kecantikan atau pun produk makanan.
Tidak hanya itu, di taman yang terletak di Jalan Budi Utomo Pontianak Utara ini memiliki lidah buaya dengan ukuran raksasa. Karena tiap pelepah dari tanaman yang satu ini memiliki berat sekitar 2,1 kg.
6. Bukit Penjamur Bengkayang
Bukit Penjamur Bengkayang
Bukit yang bisa ditempuh sekitar 4 jam perjalanan dari Pontianak ini memiliki pemandangan serupa Gunung Semeru. Pasalnya, jika kamu kesini, kamu akan menyaksinakan lautan awan yang cantik dan indah. Hal tersebut terjadi karena letak tempat wisata di Pontianak ini berada di ketinggian 900 mdpl, jadi sangat mungkin untuk melihat lautan awan disini.
7. Hutan Kota Untan
Hutan Kota Untan
Hutan yang satu ini berbeda dengan kebanyakan hutan di Kalimantan lainnya. Pasalnya, Hutan Untan sendiri terletak di dalam kota, atau lebih tepatnya di dekat Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani Pontianak.
Disini kamu bisa menyaksikan beragam tanaman liar dan beberapa jenis anggrek dan kantung semar yang cantik. Hutan kota Untan sendiri difungsikan sebagai tempat pengembangan pendidikan, paru-paru kota, dan sebagai tempat rekreasi keluarga.

Wisata Budaya dan Sejarah di Pontianak

8. Museum Negeri Kalbar
Museum Negeri Kalbar
Tempat wisata sejarah di Pontianak ini terletak di Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat. Disana kamu akan menyaksikan beragam koleksi menarik tentang kebudayaan dan peradapan di Kota Pontianak dan sekitarnya. Tarif terakhir untuk masuk ke museum Kalbar sendiri sangatlah murah karena hanya sekitar Rp 1.000,- sampai Rp 3.000,- per orang.
9. Keraton Kesultanan Kadriah
Keraton Kesultanan Kadriah
Kesultanan ini terletak di Kampong Dalam Bugis, Kec. Pontianak Timur, Pontianak. Disana kamu bisa menemui beragam peninggalan Sultan Syarief Abdurrohman yang masih terjaga hingga sekarang. Oya, perlu kamu tahu, keraton yang satu ini telah berdiri sejak tahun 1771 M. Kendati demikian, tempat wisata di Pontianak yang bersejarah ini masih tetap terjaga dan terawat dengan baik.
10. Tugu Katulistiwa
Tugu Katulistiwa
Tugu Kaltulistiwa sendiri berjarak 3 km dari pusat kota. Kendati hanya terbuat dari semuah tiang, bangunan, dan beberapa ornamen lain, namun tugu yang satu ini menjadi kebanggaan warga Pontianak. Oya, disini juga terdapat toko oleh-oleh yang menjual segala pernak-pernik tugu ini. Tapi jika kamu ingin mendapatkan sertifikat atas kunjungan ke Tugu Katulistiwa, kamu harus mengeluarkan biaya sekitar Rp 10.000,-.
11. Kota Singkawang
Kota Singkawang
Dibandingkan dengan kota-kota yang lain, Kota Singkawang memiliki keunikan yang khas dan tidak dimiliki oleh kota lainnya. Pasalnya, di kota ini kamu akan melihat sebuah kota dengan penduduk Tionghoa yang melimpah.
Bukan Cuma itu, di kota wisata yang bisa ditempuh dengan waktu sekitar 3 jam dari Pontianak ini, kamu juga akan melihat bahasa Indonesia, Melayu, dan Bahasa Tionghoa menjadi satu. Hal tersebut terjadi karena bahasa Tionghoa disini adalah bahasa lumrah untuk warga Singkwang. Selain itu, disini juga banyak dijumpai pernak pernik Tionghoa, dari mulai toko, sampai Vihara.
12. Tugu Bambu Runcing
Tugu Bambu Runcing
Tugu ini terletak di Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, Pontianak. Menurut sejarah, tuju ini memang sengaja dibangung untuk mengenang perjuangan kemerdekaan warga Pontianak. Disamping itu, tugu yang memiliki 11 buah bambu runcing dengan ujung yang mengarah ke atas.
13. Rumah Betang
Rumah Betang
Tempat wisata di Pontianak ini adalah replika dari rumah adat Dayak di Kalimantan Barat. Bangunan rumah ini memiliki panjang 138 m, tinggi 7 m, dan lebar 5 m. Rumah panggung ini dibuat untuk melestarikan bangunan adat khas dayak. Oya, bangunan yang satu ini terletak di Jalan Sultan Syahrir, Kota Baru, Pontianak.

Wisata Religi di Pontianak

14. Masjid Jami Pontianak
Masjid Jami Pontianak
Masjid ini terletak di Kampong Dalam Bugis, Pontianak Timur, Pontianak. Bangunan masjid ini adalah bagian dari Keraton kadariyah dan dibangun oleh Sultan Syarief Abdurrohman. Dan sekarang telah menjadi bagian dari tempat wisata di Pontianak bagi kamu yang suka berwisata religi. Oya, perlu kamu tahu, masjid ini biasanya dapat menampung kurang lebih 1.500 jemaah. Dan untuk menghindarkan masjid ini dari bencana banjir, Sultan Syarief Abdurrohman selaku pendiri bangunan ini pun membuat konsep rumah panggung.
15. Vihara Bodhisattva Karaniya Metta
Vihara Bodhisattva Karaniya Metta
Vihara yang satu ini terletak di Kelurahan Darat Kedip, Kecamatan Pontianak Kota, Kota Pontianak. Vihara Bodhidatva Karaniya Metta sendiri terkernal sebagai salah satu vihara tertua, karena dibangun sekitar 1645-1772 M. Oya, jika kamu tempat wisata Pontianak ini, kamu akan menemukan tempat peribadatan dan beberapa relief khas vihara yang unik dan cantik.

Tempat Wisata Buatan di Pontianak

16. Taman Alun-Alun Kapuas
Taman Alun-Alun Kapuas
Taman yang satu ini adalah terletak di tepi Sungai Kapuas, Pontianak. Disini kamu bisa menimati keindahan desain taman yang cantik dan unik. Denga luas 3 hektar dan terletak di pusat Kota Pontianak, taman yang satu ini menjadi alternatif wisata untuk warga Pontianak, terutama kaum muda-mudi yang sudah kekinian. Karena selain murah meriah, taman ini juga mudah dijangkau karena dekat dengan pusat kota.
Berhubung semua kota-kota yang ada di Pulau Kalimantan memiliki beberapa perbedaan soal harga. Jadi, jika kamu berasal dari daerah Jawa, atau luar kalimantan, sebagiknya menyiapkan budget lebih untuk mengantisipasi harga barang-barang yang sedikit mahal. Selamat menikmati tempat wisata di Pontianak dan sekitarnya.

Cinta Pertama @Bambang Djokdja